Learning to integrate our internal experiences within our social context.
What is psychotherapy?
Many different kinds of psychotherapy have shown to be effective in helping people feel better, resolve problems in living, and modify their attitudes and behavior in constructive ways. A knowledgeable psychotherapist will select and recommend a treatment approach that is known to be well-suited for addressing a your needs and concerns, and we tailor our procedures to fit your individual personality style and life circumstances.
Source: APA Div. 12 (Society of Clinical Psychology)
Integrative Psychotherapy
Clinicians at Fusion Psychological Services work from an integrative psychotherapy approach, pulling from a multitude of empirically-supported theoretical models and treatment strategies to best fit your unique constellation of symptoms and experiences.
We can help with the following
presenting concerns
Anger & Emotion Regulation
Anxiety & Stress
Attention Deficit & Learning Challenges
Career, Workplace stress, & Work-life Balance
Depression, Mood & Grief
Eating, Weight & Body Image
Interpersonal Relationships
Multicultural Diversity
Neurodiversity, including Autism
Obsessive-Compulsive symptoms & disorders
Self-Growth & Self-Esteem
Sex Therapy
Sexuality, Gender & Relationship Diversity
Substance Use
Trauma Psychology & PTSD
2SLGBTQA+ mental healthcare
Fusion clinicians are knowledgeable in the treatment of psychological and social issues relevant to the experiences of the LGBT2QA+ community, including sexual and gender identity exploration and consolidation, experiences of shame/development of shame wound, history of adverse life experiences, as well as relationship and sexual concerns.
Trauma & trauma-related
Adverse and traumatic life experiences can have a significant impact on the our functioning, including the development of unhelpful interpersonal patterns, unhelpful beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world, and functionally impairing psychological symptoms.
Clinicians at Fusion are knowledgeable in the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), complex/developmental trauma, and other trauma-related disorders, such as severe anxiety, hypervigilence, dissociation and dissociative disorders, addiction issues, and/or repeated episodes of depressed mood.
Psychotherapy can help you develop adaptive coping strategies for difficult psychological symptoms, as well as identify and shift unhelpful beliefs that may be perpetuating unpleasant symptoms and experiences.
General Psychological symptoms & Social concerns
Here at fusion, we see you as a whole individual and will help you understand yourself and your constellation of symptoms. As such, we treat a wide range of mental health symptoms, including: anxiety, depression, emotional regulation issues, relationship issues/problematic relational patterns, affect constriction and avoidance, perfectionism, self-esteem issues, and shame.
Work, life, & stress
Work is an important and time-consuming part of our lives. However, there are times when work can become stressful and, sometimes, too difficult to manage, ultimately taking over our personal lives.
Clinicians at Fusion can help you identify and strive towards healthy work-life boundaries, identify and treat symptoms of chronic stress & burnout, and help you manage unhelpful and/or difficult symptoms related to work stress.
We can also help you determine if you need short-term and/or long-term disability support.
Contact us
When you are ready to start your psychotherapy journey, contact us to get started.